RT by @DaHammerstein: HAPPENING NOW IN TEL AVIV! The largest rally we had against this war and for Israeli-Palestinian peace. Thousands of Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel are marching now demanding a ceasefire agreement, the release of the hostages and the end of the killing in Gaza. Wow.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/AlonLeeGreen/status/1748049158454247873#m
[2024-01-18 18:26 UTC]
Miles de personas participan en una manifestación contra la guerra en Tel Aviv.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DaHammerstein/status/1748059082148163893#m
[2024-01-18 19:05 UTC]
RT by @DaHammerstein: Happening now in Tel Aviv:
We're protesting alongside dozens of other Israeli civil society organizations and thousands of Israelis - for a ceasfire now, for an end to the killing, for the release of hostages.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/BtSIsrael/status/1748061621673497002#m
[2024-01-18 19:15 UTC]
RT by @DaHammerstein: 1/ הצבא יכול להמשיך ״למוטט את חמאס״ גם עוד עשור. בהעדר הנחיה פוליטית ברורה, ואין כזו בשום היבט, הלחימה בעזה לא מובילה לדבר פרט להמשכה ולהמשך הרס עזה, הרג העזתים והרחקת העקורים הישראלים מביתם. הצבא נוסע, יורה, מפציץ, מפוצץ; חיילי חמאס נהרגים; חיילים ישראלים נפצעים באלפים וגם --->
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ori_goldberg/status/1747975215164895665#m
[2024-01-18 13:32 UTC]
RT by @DaHammerstein: 15/ זמן להפסיק את האש. זמן להחזיר את החטופים, אלה מהם שעוד חיים. זמן להורות לצבא להתכונן להעברת האחריות על עזה. זמן להתחיל תהליך מדיני בחסות העולם. זמן להתכנס, לקבור את המתים, להתאבל. זמן לדבר עם חזבאללה כדי למנוע מלחמה בצפון. זמן להיגמל משכרון המוות שלנו. די למוות. החיים צועקים.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ori_goldberg/status/1747975259062444138#m
[2024-01-18 13:32 UTC]
RT by @DaHammerstein: I agree with the Ambassador. The U.S. & @UN must quickly consider/implement airdrops as a way to supplement centralized aid distribution which has failed to get adequate food in the hands of Gaza's starving & hungry civilians. Saturating multiple areas with food will help quickly
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/afalkhatib/status/1747772894057517523#m
[2024-01-18 00:08 UTC]
RT by @DaHammerstein: 🔹️ ماتفعله اسرائيل في الضفة الغربية ليس سوى جرائم حرب يومية 🤨‼️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/algadibadeel/status/1747585562817479020#m
[2024-01-17 11:44 UTC]
RT by @DaHammerstein: Estos mares de plástico es a lo que algunos califican de "agricultura sostenible". ¿A quien quieren engañar? La Albufera de Adra totalmente rodeada de invernaderros. Es impresentable.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Santi_MBarajas/status/1747521721622491421#m
[2024-01-17 07:30 UTC]
RT by @DaHammerstein: 💙LOS RIUS SÓN VIDA
❌Aturem els transvasaments del Siurana i l'Ebre!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/PDE/status/1747372588764909956#m
[2024-01-16 21:37 UTC]
RT by @DaHammerstein: Hamas shouldn't be blocking medicine to the hostages and Israel shouldn't be blocking humanitarian aid to 2.3M people. At least Qatar says it has negotiated a deal to ease both of these wrongful (war crime) positions. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-news-01-16-2024-d27350609d337dc417e9d7861be3de74?user_email=833907525a7ed9da50588421f9a328c4ffe67eebcd2f30e04f9a17ca5f772e12&utm_medium=APNews_Alerts&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_campaign=NewsAlert_0116_Qatar&utm_term=AP%20News%20Alerts
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/KenRoth/status/1747377946224984147#m
[2024-01-16 21:59 UTC]
RT by @DaHammerstein: ¿Exterminio de especies para salvar la biodiversidad? - Ecología Política https://www.ecologiapolitica.info/exterminio-de-especies-para-salvar-la-biodiversidad/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/OrtegaJordi/status/1747319786550288688#m
[2024-01-16 18:07 UTC]
Avui a les 22.10 en TV3: Porca miseria
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DaHammerstein/status/1747324419008049653#m
[2024-01-16 18:26 UTC]
No es por falta de viviendas sino porque están ocupadas por turistas, son segundas residencias o están desocupadas o sin rehabilitar.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DaHammerstein/status/1747216371425951987#m
[2024-01-16 11:16 UTC]
RT by @DaHammerstein: Si no voleu macrogranjes, deixeu de menjar carn.
(La ramaderia extensiva/tradicional no pot proveir de carn a 8.000 milions de persones)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/TafallaMarta/status/1746926226705437044#m
[2024-01-15 16:04 UTC]
¡Catalunya és una porca miseria!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DaHammerstein/status/1746964968962932863#m
[2024-01-15 18:38 UTC]
La grandes trabas israelíes a la llegada de ayuda alimentaria, médica y sanitaria a Gaza según el New York Times.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DaHammerstein/status/1746858861967872507#m
[2024-01-15 11:36 UTC]
RT by @DaHammerstein: According to the Israeli government, South Africa is the judicial arm of Hamas and Turkey is its operational arm. Shall we guess which other regimes are about to be granted a new title?
Will Ireland be named the Catholic arm of Hamas? Perhaps Spain will be the culinary arm?
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/LeeCaspi/status/1746830090653065510#m
[2024-01-15 09:42 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ European Advocate for Civil Society. Spanish Green Member European Parliament 2004-2009. Tweets represent personal opinions