RT by @CopernicusEU: The SO2 from the #Grindavik #volcano reached #Greenland.
As forecasted by @CopernicusECMWF CAMS the transport of SO2 from #Iceland moved Southward reaching #UK & #Scandinavia, while to the North touched Greenland, as shows the #Copernicus #Sentinel5p map on May 31st.
[2024-06-01 14:20 UTC]
R to @CopernicusEU: Más información https://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping/list-of-activations-rapid
[2024-06-01 07:41 UTC]
RT by @CopernicusEU: The 5th 🪸 coral bleaching event in 8 years is a reality
Ocean temperatures are rising causing biodiversity degradation
@CopernicusEU #Sentinel2 acquired this image of the reefs near 🇦🇺
Discover how @EU_ENV work to protect Europe's ocean, seas & coasts👉https://europa.eu/!vwx7Nd
[2024-05-31 12:00 UTC]
📢Mark your calendar for the first webinar of the EU
🗓️19 June
🕐14:30 CET
Discover how to access
& how they contribute to the
[2024-05-31 13:06 UTC]
RT by @CopernicusEU: #DYK that #CopernicusMarine and @EMODnet #OpenData support EU environmental policies❓
This data enables the #EUDTO to simulate ocean dynamics, which helps to improve decision-making processes 🌊
[2024-05-31 12:15 UTC]
RT by @CopernicusEU: 📢Save the date for our 1⃣st webinar of the EU #OceanData Series
🗓️19 June
🕐14:30 CEST
➡️Join our experts to explore the #MarineData available @EUMETSAT, @CMEMS_EU and @EMODnet and its contribution to the #OceanDecade goals🌊
Register here 👇
[2024-05-31 10:12 UTC]
R to @CopernicusEU: 📽️⬆️Annual phytoplankton oscillation retrieved with the #MyOcean Viewer of our #CopernicusMarine Service
[2024-05-31 09:26 UTC]
that the concentration of phytoplankton in the waters of the northern hemisphere is at its highest at this time of year?
The increased sunlight☀️ in spring and summer stimulates its growth, which is essential for marine food webs and ecosystem health🌱🐟
[2024-05-31 09:26 UTC]
RT by @CopernicusEU: #EMSR727 #IncendiosForestales en #Guatemala 🇬🇹
Durante la noche, el #MappingTeam @CopernicusEMS ha entregado 3 nuevos Productos de Delineación
➡️Un total de ~99,500 ha de área quemada 🔥 ha sido detectada
Encuentra más detalles y actualizaciones en 👇
[2024-05-30 13:21 UTC]
RT by @CopernicusEU: Extreme #heatwave in #Pakistan and #India, making it the hottest place on Earth in the past 24h, with record air temperature over 53°C.
The #Copernicus #Sentinel3 LST (Land Surface Temperature, not Air!) map on May 29th shows max value exceeding 65°C/149°F. #ClimateEmergency
[2024-05-30 13:56 UTC]
RT by @CopernicusEU: Climate change increases pollen concentration, worsening allergies & conditions like asthma.
@IQVIA_global analysed @CopernicusEU CAMS data and found correlations between sales of allergy meds & pollen levels, showing one of the #EUSpace uses in health.
[2024-05-30 14:30 UTC]
RT by @CopernicusEU: Updated: Today's #Sentinel2 scene captured massive on-going bloom in Lake Burdur in Turkey. @CopernicusEU @MericAlbay @LakeBrowser @geoaquawatch
[2024-05-30 17:24 UTC]
Esperamos que paséis un fantástico
Para celebrarlo os compartimos estos hipnóticos vórtices de Von Kármán próximos a vuestras islas y observados por uno de los satélites
🇪🇺🛰️ el 13 de mayo
[2024-05-30 08:40 UTC]
RT by @CopernicusEU: Tide in, tide out: spectacular change between low and high tide across intertidal sand banks near Darwin, Australia.🌊
Check out the tidal currents and mobilised sediment flowing through channels between the mangrove islands during ebb tides! #DigitalEarthAU
[2024-05-29 03:08 UTC]
RT by @CopernicusEU: On friday morning, for those lucky to be at @Liegeocean, don't miss the @CopernicusEU and @OSISAF marine data training with @brloveday, @gwenbras and @aida_alvera.
[2024-05-29 10:11 UTC]
RT by @CopernicusEU: First #Sentinel5P #TROPOMI overpass ~1.3 hours after the onset of today's #eruption on #Iceland's #Reykjanes peninsula shows very high SO₂ column amounts in plume spreading SE. Est. SO₂ emission rate is ~1400 kg/s (~120,000 tons/day). @Vedurstofan @CopernicusEU @rockhardIES
[2024-05-29 15:41 UTC]
RT by @CopernicusEU: En respuesta a los #IncendiosForestales en #Guatemala, la UE activó @CopernicusEU para la cartografía rápida y está desplegando 7 expertos 🇪🇸 a través del Mecanismo #EUCivilProtection para ayudar a las autoridades
Estamos preparados para seguir ayudando. http://acortar.link/ZPaXFx
[2024-05-29 18:41 UTC]
RT by @CopernicusEU: #IncendiosForestales 🔥 en #Guatemala 🇬🇹
El equipo de @CopernicusEMS ha recibido el encargo de vigilar 6 nuevas Áreas de Interés:
➡️Sierra del Lacandón
➡️La Unión Barrios
➡️Rio Hondo
➡️Volcán Tajumulco
➡️Santa María de Jesús
[2024-05-29 20:04 UTC]
that our
allow allergy sufferers to take preventive measures days before exposure!?😷
Service provides forecasts for birch🌳, olive🫒, grass🌱pollens and more
⬇Today's forecast shows moderate🌱pollen levels in several areas of Europe 🇪🇺
[2024-05-29 12:08 UTC]
RT by @CopernicusEU: 📢Today, and again on 3️⃣0️⃣May, we're excited to host our annual ISO-certified #CopernicusMaritimeSurveillance training at @EMSA_EU!📚
[2024-05-28 14:52 UTC]
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