RT by @CarolineLucas: Looks like Labour could abandon its promise to do #Leveson inquiry part 2
The phone hacking & press criminality scandals had devastating consequences for their victims. They deserve justice. We all deserve media reform. Join me & @HackedOffHugh in holding the Govt to account 👇
[2024-07-26 10:46 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: "We must put in place real, meaningful consequences such as targeted individual sanctions on Prime Minister Netanyahu and other leaders..."
@EllieChowns responds to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's appearance at the US Congress.
[2024-07-25 10:57 UTC]
“The UK is forecast to hand out 72 oil and gas licences this year, which would result in an estimated 101m tonnes of planet-warming pollution, a 50-year high” - these plans are obscene & ways urgently need to be found to reverse them. End of
[2024-07-25 08:15 UTC]
So 2 cheers for creation of GB Energy - at last we have a Secretary of State who gets the scale of the
challenge, but the new institution needs more funds, it needs not to get distracted by slow & costly nuclear & it needs to have a retail arm too
[2024-07-25 07:56 UTC]
Looking forward to it, thanks 🙂👇
[2024-07-24 19:52 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: Peaceful climate protestors do not belong in prison and over 1,000 public figures across academic , cultural and political circles agree . @AttorneyGeneral , please meet with us urgently to right this grotesque wrong . #WholeTruthFive https://www.thetimes.com/uk/law/article/stars-take-attorney-general-to-task-over-just-stop-oil-jail-terms-tk3rdkbx6
[2024-07-23 14:14 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: Sunday was world’s hottest ever recorded day, data suggests
- Preliminary data from @CopernicusECMWF suggests temperature records were shattered, taking world into ‘uncharted territory’
Story by @NiranjanAjit
[2024-07-24 08:55 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: BREAKING: NEW FOI figures show almost 28,000 badgers have been marked for slaughter in licences issued under the controversial supplementary cull that began on 1 June
We call for @DefraGovUK Nature Minister to protect nature & stop the #badger cull
> https://buff.ly/3YzydeX
[2024-07-24 08:59 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: Our Science Weekly podcast on the massive sentences handed down to the Just Stop Oil protesters: their context and the implications for protest in the UK. https://www.theguardian.com/science/audio/2024/jul/23/george-monbiot-on-the-record-jail-terms-given-to-just-stop-oil-activists-podcast
[2024-07-23 08:00 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: We live in one of the world’s richest countries; poverty in the UK is a political choice
Green MPs have been calling on Govt to do the right thing
They could choose to eradicate poverty, but last night's suspensions after the #KingsSpeech were a very bad start
More from me 👇
[2024-07-24 07:39 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: Tonight's vote on the two-child benefit cap has shown the value of Green MPs able to vote with our conscience - and not under the pressure of the party whip.
This continued poverty is a political choice for this Government. We will continue to demand better from Labour.
[2024-07-23 18:47 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: Respect to these few Labour MPs who voted for the right choice today. There should have been no need for this vote at all.
[2024-07-23 19:17 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: Labour promised 'Change' but now they are defending the Conservatives' failed climate policies in court ⁉️
The government should settle this case with @friends_earth and write a new climate adaptation plan that's worth the paper it's written on.
[2024-07-22 13:51 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: Joe Biden has acted today to protect the US and the world. He will leave an important legacy on green investment.
The possibility of a second Trump presidency is truly terrifying and the need to build on Biden’s climate work never more urgent.
[2024-07-21 19:22 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: Today's decision emanating from Southwark Crown Court is an outrage . It is an attack on our civil liberties , we must defend our right to peaceful protest .
@AttorneyGeneral , please meet with us urgently . This grotesque miscarriage of justice must be fixed .
[2024-07-18 19:09 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: ⛓️ To give you a sense of how horrifying and brutal these prison sentences for #JustStopOil activists are:
Average sentence for violent crime = 1.7 years.
Average sentence for the JSO activists = 4.3 years.
[2024-07-18 16:00 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: 🇬🇧 Today marks a very dark day for fundamental human rights in the UK. Daniel Shaw and his co-defendants have been sentenced to spend 4 & 5 years in a prison cell for planning a peaceful protest. This decision is beyond comprehension. Full statement here: https://unece.org/sites/default/files/2024-07/ACSR_C_2024_26_UK_SR_EnvDefenders_public_statement_18.07.2024.pdf
[2024-07-18 15:41 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: Just one of the outstandingly ignorant things Judge Hehir said to the defendants during the trial.
He refused to listen their reasons for their actions, he ignored climate scientists, and he gave harsh sentences.
I will speak on this in the Lords next Weds.
[2024-07-18 16:10 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: Today 5 people who care about our planet have been viciously sentenced under laws that remove our right to peaceful protest.
So I came to join those who stand in solidarity. We cannot put people behind bars for urging us to do what we know is right. #WholeTruth5
[2024-07-18 18:18 UTC]
This sentence is obscene. Why are we punishing the people trying to prevent disaster while allowing the oil company giants causing it to reap super profits?
[2024-07-18 17:26 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, former leader and co-leader of @TheGreenParty, Mum of two. A better world is possible. Let’s make it happen