The European Union was never just an economic project. It is an ethical and political enterprise as well. Similarly, Brexit is not just economically destructive. It has undermined the whole ethical basis of our political life.


[2024-02-14 11:56 UTC]

RT by @Brendandonn: The conclusion of the article seems to be that two ropey strategies for dealing with the consequences of Brexit are better than one ropey strategy. It would however be much better to have one effective strategy for dealing with Brexit, namely to reverse it.


[2024-02-14 14:56 UTC]

RT by @Brendandonn: Will Trump Destroy NATO?

John Stevens and @Brendandonn argue that a Trump Presidency would accelerate the process of “strategic autonomy” that is already underway in the EU: via @YouTube


[2024-02-14 16:14 UTC]

It’s no coincidence that the Conservative MPs supporting Trump are leading Brexiters. Brexit is the equivalent over here of Trump’s crazy ideas over there. John Stevens and I discuss this parallel in the new FedTrust video below.


[2024-02-14 19:07 UTC]

RT by @Brendandonn: Inability to imagine the reversal of Brexit certainly characterises the political class in this country. Opinion polls make clear, however, that British voters are well ahead of their political leaders on this issue. When Brexit is undone, it will happen with a rush.


[2024-02-14 19:40 UTC]

RT by @Brendandonn: To confuse a decline in the rate of increase of food prices with a decline in food prices is either shockingly dishonest or shockingly ignorant. There is so much dishonesty and so much ignorance in current British politics that both explanations are, sadly, equally plausible.


[2024-02-14 20:07 UTC]

RT by @Brendandonn: The main reason why our political system is in such a disastrous mess is that the successful Leave campaign of 2016 convinced many politicians that crime does indeed pay. This conviction needs urgently to be reversed for the good functioning of our democracy.


[2024-02-14 00:25 UTC]

There is an economic cost associated with Brexit. But the most destructive aspect of Brexit is the damage it has done to the our political system. Lies, fantasy and deception were normalised by the Leave campaign of 2016. The toxic effects are of this go well beyond Brexit.


[2024-02-14 00:47 UTC]

RT by @Brendandonn: “Formal alignment” with the EU may well be easier said than done. The EU will understandably demand a stiff price for formal alignment. The choice may reduce itself to rejoining or pretending not to but following in reality the EU’s prescriptions.


[2024-02-13 20:30 UTC]

It’s sometimes assumed that we can turn up in Brussels and everyone will be happy to welcome us back into the Single Market. It’s much more complicated than that.


[2024-02-13 22:04 UTC]

RT by @Brendandonn: The Conservative ideologues of Brexit should welcome the advent of a Labour government. It will allow them to blame the unfolding disaster of Brexit on Socialist incompetence rather than on the insane project itself.


[2024-02-13 12:26 UTC]

After seven years of a Conservative government predictably unable to make Brexit work, Conservatives are looking forward to being able to blame the Labour Party for Brexit’s predictable further failure.


[2024-02-13 13:58 UTC]

RT by @Brendandonn: A marginal and unrepresentative TV channel is an ideal vehicle for a marginal and unrepresentative Prime Minister.


[2024-02-12 20:33 UTC]

RT by @Brendandonn: Johnson was never wildly popular. He benefitted, as he was entitled to under our electoral system, from the fact that Corbyn was wildly unpopular. The wicked do sometimes have the opportunity to flourish like green baytrees. But retribution eventually catches up with them.


[2024-02-12 18:17 UTC]

RT by @Brendandonn: Nice little continent you’ve got here in Europe. It would be pity if anything happened to it. Perhaps I can have a word with my friend Vladimir. He can make the problem go away.


[2024-02-12 18:34 UTC]

RT by @Brendandonn: Sunak probably thinks his audience on GB News, even if small and imperfectly formed, will be more supportive than it would be on mainstream channels. I’m not sure he’s right about that. He’s a bit too much of woke Remainer for lots of GB News viewers.


[2024-02-12 18:41 UTC]

RT by @Brendandonn: I’d be more outraged if I didn’t think he’ll do this really badly and lose more support than he’ll gain.


[2024-02-12 19:17 UTC]

RT by @Brendandonn: It’s entirely appropriate that Sunak is welcome on GB News. He is not a Prime Minister for the whole nation. He is a random representative of the oligarchs who dominate our mass media, and in the case of GB News our marginal media as well.


[2024-02-12 19:26 UTC]

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