RT by @BiljanaBorzan: 👏 New directive on fighting greenwashing adopted with overwhelming majority❗️
Congratulations to rapporteur @BiljanaBorzan!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EP_SingleMarket/status/1747585741037691379#m
[2024-01-17 11:44 UTC]
RT by @BiljanaBorzan: 🍾Good news:
🟢@europarl_en have green-lighted a new law to curtail unfair company tactics that hamper consumers' sustainable choices.
👏This means less greenwashing & better green labels.
Now we need better rules to make sustainable products the norm.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Green_Europe/status/1747588266709205029#m
[2024-01-17 11:54 UTC]
RT by @BiljanaBorzan: Europski parlament velikom je većinom usvojio zakon Biljane Borzan kojim se zabranjuju ugrađeni kvarovi, uvode oznake trajanja uređaja te povećavaju mogućnosti popravka. https://vijesti.hrt.hr/eu/usvojen-zakon-biljane-borzan-o-trajanju-uredaja-11299443
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/hrtvijesti/status/1747589744962273355#m
[2024-01-17 12:00 UTC]
🥳🥳🥳 Jupiiiii!!! 🥳🥳🥳
Sa 593 glasa ZA parlament je usvojio moj zakon o duljem trajanju uređaja! Danas smo industriji rekli dosta! Danas smo stavili ljude ispred profita!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/BiljanaBorzan/status/1747605999509221472#m
[2024-01-17 13:05 UTC]
R to @BiljanaBorzan: Želim posebno zahvaliti hrvatskim građanima. Vi ste ti koji ste mi sve ove godine davali ideje i motivaciju za borbu! Bila je uistinu privilegija raditi ovaj zakon s vama i za vas. Hvala!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/BiljanaBorzan/status/1747606838047056182#m
[2024-01-17 13:08 UTC]
RT by @BiljanaBorzan: Big win 🥇!
The parliament voted in favour of @BiljanaBorzan’s report that will protect consumers against unfair practices, such as greenwashing or early obsolescence.
With this new law we’ll enable consumers to buy products that are more durable, repairable, and sustainable.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/TheProgressives/status/1747580548183122328#m
[2024-01-17 11:24 UTC]
RT by @BiljanaBorzan: Veliki trijumf naše @BiljanaBorzan! 🥳👏
Velikom većinom glasova Europski parlament je usvojio njen zakon kojim se zabranjuju ugrađeni kvarovi, uvode oznake trajanja uređaja te povećavaju mogućnosti popravka. #politikahr
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SDPHrvatske/status/1747583345670676991#m
[2024-01-17 11:35 UTC]
RT by @BiljanaBorzan: 📢 PRESS CONFERENCE today at 14.30 CET
After the final vote at the #EPlenary, rapporteur @BiljanaBorzan will give an overview of the directive banning greenwashing and misleading product claims.
More info and connection links 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EP_SingleMarket/status/1747540084360888462#m
[2024-01-17 08:43 UTC]
RT by @BiljanaBorzan: 🎙️Press conference at 14:30 CET❗️
by @BiljanaBorzan, rapporteur on empowering consumers by fighting greenwashing and improving product labelling 🏷️
🎦LIVE streaming: https://europa.eu/!HB3Hk3
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/europarlAV/status/1747550517646016795#m
[2024-01-17 09:24 UTC]
RT by @BiljanaBorzan: We have achieved a great deal to protect consumers against unfair practices, such as greenwashing or early obsolescence 💪
@BiljanaBorzan explains the content of this new law 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/TheProgressives/status/1747226278774595842#m
[2024-01-16 11:56 UTC]
RT by @BiljanaBorzan: Environmentally friendly, natural, biodegradable, eco - In the EU, there are over 1200 so-called sustainable labels and claims. Barely 35% are verified.
With this law, we are fighting greenwashing and providing guarantees to consumers about the products they are purchasing.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/TheProgressives/status/1747226286982881425#m
[2024-01-16 11:56 UTC]
RT by @BiljanaBorzan: Traders should not be able to make environmental claims about their goods if they are not true
♻️New rules could see better information for users on the durability & reparability of things we buy♻️
#EPlenary @EP_SingleMarket @anna_cavazzini @BiljanaBorzan
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EP_ThinkTank/status/1747242799727313189#m
[2024-01-16 13:02 UTC]
RT by @BiljanaBorzan: Direktivom Europske unije o radijskoj opremi, USB-C će postati standardni punjač za pametne telefone, ali i za niz drugih malih i srednjih uređaja #EU https://vijesti.hrt.hr/eu/usb-c-ce-postati-standardni-punjac-u-europskoj-uniji-11265278
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/hrtvijesti/status/1743707503412600843#m
[2024-01-06 18:53 UTC]
Sretna Nova godina 💫
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/BiljanaBorzan/status/1741600164081537380#m
[2023-12-31 23:20 UTC]
RT by @BiljanaBorzan: 🎄 Ne brinite ako vam se poklon koji ste dobili ovog Božića ne sviđa.
Zahvaljujući pravilima EU-a, sve kupljene proizvode možete vratiti u roku od 14 dana. 🏷️
Više informacija 👇🏻
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Europarl_HR/status/1740024784317276450#m
[2023-12-27 15:00 UTC]
Sretan Božić 🎄🎁
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/BiljanaBorzan/status/1739327338335117348#m
[2023-12-25 16:48 UTC]
RT by @BiljanaBorzan: U organizaciji Foruma mladih SDP Zagreb održan je sastanak za predstojeću izbornu godinu na kojem su sudjelovali i forumaši iz Novog Zagreba - istok. Razgovarati s v.d. predsjednikom SDP Zagreb Brankom Kolarićem i SDP-ovom zastupnicom u Europskom parlamentu @BiljanaBorzan
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/sdpfmnzi/status/1737089742997491990#m
[2023-12-19 12:37 UTC]
❗️ U Hrvatskoj više od 55 posto ljudi ima problem s plaćanjem režija, gotovo 20 posto više od EU prosjeka. Mladi ostaju u roditeljskom domu puno dulje nego u ostatku EU, čak 33 godine. Cijene najma su skočile za 20 posto, a cijena nekretnina za 30 posto.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/BiljanaBorzan/status/1735372972444012622#m
[2023-12-14 18:55 UTC]
RT by @BiljanaBorzan: Europeans are facing a housing crisis. Young people in particular grapple with excessive costs and poor living conditions.
At our request, the Plenary will now debate a EU strategy to ensure decent and affordable housing for all.
Live here: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/plenary/en/home.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/TheProgressives/status/1734912499147821488#m
[2023-12-13 12:25 UTC]
RT by @BiljanaBorzan: 🧉@BiljanaBorzan: Konačno zbogom patvorinama meda, zaštitili smo naš kvalitetni med! https://www.ekovjesnik.hr/clanak/6838/borzan-konacno-zbogom-patvorinama-meda-zastitili-smo-nas-kvalitetni-med
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EKOvjesnik/status/1734552565021307340#m
[2023-12-12 12:35 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Zastupnica 🇭🇷 @europarl_en, liječnica, potpredsjednica @TheProgressives, potpredsjednica @SDPHrvatske, antifašistkinja - Moj posao je da EU radi za ljude!